Beautify your home or property and help the environment.
Tvetene Turf can show you how installing turfgrass, the earth’s living skin, can improve the curb appeal of your property and can add as much as 15 percent to the value of your home.
Turfgrass can also aid in the reduction of carbon dioxide, emissions, reduce energy consumption and help in the efforts to reduce global warming.

The powers of healthy sod begin immediately after installation.
Make the earth cleaner, make the earth greener.
Turfgrass traps and removes dust and dirt from the air and contributes to a healthy, clean environment.
A 5,000 sq ft grass lawn can produce enough fresh oxygen daily for 14-34 people.
Lawns can be up to 60 degrees cooler than surrounding hardscapes
Managed lawns can host as many as 52 different arthropod families with over half of them representing beneficial insects.
Grass lawns enhance soil microbial diversity when compared to bare soil and helps regulate microbial community composition.
Carbon modeling research of a typical suburban home on a half-acre lot, landscape beds, shrubs, trees, and a grass lawn indicates that between 81 and 90% of the carbon captured in the landscape is captured by the lawn.
A 5,000 sq ft grass lawn can capture between 2,000 and 27,000 gallons of water depending on soil type
The basis for a great lawn landscape area and garden starts with quality soil. Tvetene Turf now offers several different types of soil for site prep. We carry gypsum, compost, peat, amended topsoil, straight top soil and natural mulch. We also blend an exceptional garden soil for topdressing your lawn or for use in garden beds. All of the soils are available in bulk, however, we do also offer small bags of the blended garden soil.
Turfgrass… great for the environment and great for your home
What we offer
Perfectly-plush grass
Available in small rolls or large rolls (pickup or delivery)

Use our special variety for new lawns or area patching.

Everything you need for your lawn and Garden soil.

Why Choose Us
Tvetene Turf has set the pace for growing the areas highest quality sod since 1977.
Whether you are a landscape professional in need of a truckload of sod, or a private homeowner in need of either a complete lawn or just a few rolls, Tvetene Turf can provide you with superior quality sod at an affordable price.

What they say
Our dedication to quality and outstanding customer service has made us the leading sod producer in south central Montana and northern Wyoming for decades.

BigYellowBag® Black Garden Soil
BigYellowBag®’s Black Garden Soil is the most popular of our Bulk Bag products. It consists of black loam, peat loam, well-composted manure and a touch of mineral soil for stability. It’s loaded with organic matter. Use it to top up any type of garden, be it vegetable gardens or flowerbeds and also for overseeding your lawn.
Tip: Adding organic matter to your soil helps retain moisture and promotes microbial activity which naturally feeds your plants!
For more information on how to care for newly laid sod after
establishment, please check out The Lawn Institute website at
444 E. Roosevelt Road #346 • Lombard, IL 60148 USA
1-800-405-TURF (8873) •

Our hearty, perfectly-plush grass has been specially formulated to thrive in the diverse climate conditions found in the region we serve.